First things first

by robert on April 19th, 2009

Behind are two IT hobbyists who enjoy web hosting, the nature, and think California is cool. One of us is living in Mountain View, CA, the other one in Zurich, Switzerland, our servers are located in Germany and Switzerland as well.

The intention for this blog is to share things we’ve learned with the world. Once started with a simple web server based on apache, hosts many different services such as web and email servers, file repositories, and our own nameserver. Over the last years we have gained some insight and think it can be helpful to others as well. Thus posts on this blog will mainly deal with installation and configuration issues around the administration of a web server. And since our servers are based on debian, it actually refines to a blog on debian server adminstration.

Why do we do this? Mainly for its own sake that is to learn how things work and be in control over the things we use (because of our geek nature).

We have chosen as our main domain, because we got to know it pretty well during an internship back in 2005. This is by the way how we met and found out about our shared geekiness. Highway 1, a California state route has many names, among them Pacific Coast Highway, Cabrillo Highway, and Shoreline Highway. It runs along the coast of California and starts in the north at Fort Bragg traveling all the way down to Capistrano Beach down south.

From meta

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